this uses the double sided transparent shader with cutout shadows and BF. BF shaders render using two passes, first the back face then the front. This removes the problem with z depth on single objects.
This also uses double sided BF shader. The hexagon colours are randomlly chosen within the shader when you set the Hi and Low values. The hi is set to red and fully transparent, thre low is set to orange and fully opaque. The shadow cut off value is then set to get the holes for the shadow.
Opaque specular is used for this. A texture and normal map has also been applied to the hexagons and gaps. The hi and low is set to white and blue giving the blue tints.
HexTile Shader
(Project has been submitted to the Unity Asset Store ).
Unity surface shaders for dynamic real-time rendering of hexagonal tiles.
Fully configurable, procedurally calculates correct normals, edges etc.
The shader is also suitable for game-boards, script functions allow the user to highlighte individual tiles or groups.
Refer to the .pdf documentation for full details.