Noise Blend Shader
A surface shader that uses noise to blend two textures on a surface.
This lets you create effects like rust patches, dirt areas, overgrown brick work and much more. You can use the base texture's brightness to control where the overlay texture is placed - letting you create effects such as mould growing along the mortar between bricks or gaps between stones.
Available on the Unity Asset Store. Click link below.
See attached .pdf for full details.
The planter is blending a rust texture over a metal texture using noise
The wall is using a brick texture as the base texture and a grass texture overlayed using noise. The noise is also being controlled by the lightness of the base texture giving more weight to the lighter parts, this being the mortar in the brick.
The ground base texture is a tiling stone texture. The blend texture is the same grass texture used in the wall. The blend is also weighted to the dark parts of the base texture to allow the grass to be placed in the dark cracks of the stone texture.